Dr. Derek Hogan
Associate Dean for Academic Program
Divinity School
Associate Professor of New Testament
Divinity School
Room 129-C
Office Location:
Taylor Hall
Room 129-C
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Mailing Address:
PO Box 4050Buies Creek, NC 27506
(910) 814-4387
(910) 893-1835
(work fax)
Derek Hogan serves as Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor of New Testament at the Campbell University Divinity School. Dr. Hogan served the University from 2002-2011 as Theological Reference Librarian.
Dr. Hogan’s dissertation was on the defense speeches of Paul in Acts in comparison to judicial speeches as outlined in ancient rhetorical manuals and speeches that occur in other ancient narratives such as Greek novels and histories. A portion of the dissertation has been published as “Paul’s Defense: A Comparison of the Forensic Speeches in Acts, Callirhoe, and Leucippe and Clitophon” in Perspectives of Religious Studies.
Dr. Hogan is married to his high school sweetheart, Stacie, who is a pharmacist at Hogan’s Pharmacy in Lillington.