Robert J. Schmid
Room 207
Robert J. Schmid is an Assistant Professor and Technical Director of the Simulation Center at CUSOM. Robert grew up in the mountains of Western North Carolina and settled in the Research Triangle Park area (RTP). He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from North Carolina State University and received his Master of Science in Clinical Research from Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (CPHS).
Robert worked in clinical research and new drug development at GSK, PPD Inc., and i3 Research. In 2005, he joined the Faculty of Clinical Research Department of the CPHS and taught new drug development. While teaching, he launched the first video streaming and course capture program for CPHS; this included work with distance education and continuing education programs. In 2011, he accepted an opportunity to focus on the IT and educational resources for the school of medicine, and in June of 2013, Robert returned to faculty as an Assistant Professor in the School of Osteopathic Medicine and Technical Director for the Simulation Center. Currently, he manages the operations of the Sim Lab and is in charge of the data management for academic simulation research.