Dr. Alicia Myers
Room 333b
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Alicia Myers is Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek at Campbell University Divinity School and Research Fellow at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Dr. Myers earned her PhD in Biblical Studies from Baylor University (2010), an MTS from Duke Divinity School (2006), and a BA from Indiana Wesleyan University (2004). She views writing, along with teaching, as her vocation and seeks to bridge the gap between the academy and worshipping communities. Her research focuses primarily on the Gospel and Letters of John, exploring how the Old Testament and Second Temple Jewish writings, alongside Greco-Roman rhetoric and literatures, aid our interpretation of these writings. Her more recent work incorporates insights from New Rhetoric and epistemology into these conversations to discuss the ethics of New Testament communication. She is also interested in how the New Testament reflects and subverts understandings of bodies in ancient medical literature and in the early reception of New Testament traditions in the Christian Apocrypha.
She has published two monographs, two co-edited volumes, as well as numerous book chapters and journal articles on a wide range of topics from the New Testament. Her most recent book is An Introduction to the Gospels and Acts in Oxford’s Essentials of Biblical Study series (2021). Her commentary on the Gospel and Letters of John (Reading John and 1, 2, 3 John) is found in the Reading the New Testament, 2nd Series with Smyth & Helwys Press (2019). Her most recent monograph is Blessed Among Women? Mothers and Motherhood in the New Testament published by Oxford University Press (2017) explores maternal imagery in conversation with ancient medical literature. Her current projects include a book on the theology of John’s Gospel for the New Testament Theology, Revised Series with Cambridge University Press and a book project with Dr. Mandy McMichael (Baylor University) focusing on Helen Barrett Montgomery’s Centenary Translation of the New Testament which they hope to publish in 2024.
Dr. Myers also writes in publications focused on the concerns of pastors and sermon preparation (WorkingPreacher.org, Christian Reflection, Feasting on the Gospels, and Connections: A Lectionary Commentary for Preaching and Worship). She is a member of the Society of New Testament Studies and a new participant in the Colloquium Ioanneum. She is former co-chair of the Johannine Literature (J-Lit) Section of the Society of Biblical Literature, a current member of the J-Lit Steering Committee, and a member of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion. Along with Dr. Adam English, Dr. Myers is co-founding editor of the NABPR’s Perspectives in Baptist Identities Series (Mercer University Press).