Amanda E. Batten
Adjunct Faculty
Campbell Online
Adult & Online Education
Office Location:
AOE Building
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Mailing Address:
PO Box 264Buies Creek, NC 27506
(910) 893-7898
(910) 814-4736
(work fax)
Mrs. Batten joined the department in 2010. Mrs. Batten has assisted in coordinating the Online Education courses for the department and has served as online education faculty mentor and trainer since 2013. Her presentations include “The Journey of Job’s Wife Through History,” Campbell University (2008). Mrs. Batten edited sections of the Old and New Testament, Christianity: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Guide For Students, Mercer University Press, 2010. She was a 2008 recipient of the B. Donald Keyser Church History Award, Campbell University. Mrs. Batten has served as a member of the DECIDE (Development Evaluation for Course Instructional Design Elements) committee, Campbell University since 2011.