Dr. Andrew Muzyk
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Dr. Muzyk is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice at Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Buies Creek, North Carolina. Dr. Muzyk also holds an Adjunct Professor appointment at Duke University in the Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Muzyk rounds as a clinical pharmacist with the Medicine-Psychiatry treatment team at Duke University Hospital.
Dr. Muzyk has numerous publications and funded research projects on the topics of health-profession student education and hospital-based medication outcomes. Dr. Muzyk has published over 50 manuscripts. He has received research support from Duke Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development, Duke Division of Addiction Medicine, Duke Bass Connections, the Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund, Adapt Pharmaceuticals, and Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
At Campbell School of Pharmacy, Dr. Muzyk is the co-chair of the curriculum committee, leading a curricular revision effort to move away from a traditional siloed curriculum to one that integrates the pharmaceutical and clinical sciences throughout the pre-clinical curriculum. At Duke, he is on the Duke Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development steering committee and the educational research and innovation subcommittee. Dr. Muzyk is currently a co-lead of several education research projects and hospital outcomes initiatives.
Dr. Muzyk has given numerous presentations throughout the United States on topics related to psychiatric and substance use disorders and health professions education. He is a speaker for the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers (AHEC). Dr. Muzyk is a recognized expert in the medication management of psychiatric and substance use disorders, and has given numerous presentations on this topic across NC and the United States. Dr. Muzyk is regularly consulted within the Duke University Health System for questions related to treatment and formulary review of medications used for opioid use disorder.
Dr. Muzyk has been awarded the Association of Academic Psychiatry Educational Program of the Year award, the Duke Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development (AHEAD) Interprofessional Educator of the Year award, and the Distinguished Young Pharmacist award from the North Carolina Association of Pharmacist.