Dr. Catherine Lewis Wente
Room 217
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Dr. Catherine Lewis Wente is Director of Integrated Pharmacotherapy and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Campbell University. She practices at Central Harnett Hospital as an Internal Medicine Clinical Specialist and the Program Coordinator for the PGY1 residency. She graduated with a Doctorate of Pharmacy from West Virginia University and completed a PGY1 residency at St. Claire Regional Medical Center in Morehead, Kentucky.
Dr. Wente is an instructor in the Campbell PharmD and PA programs. Her research areas of interest include anticoagulation management, neurology, nephrology, inpatient diabetes management, and educational principles and practice. She offers an elective in Multicultural Health Practices and Disparities in the Fall semester and a Neurology elective in the Spring. Dr. Wente provides a drop in advising service on campus and serves as an advisor for several student organizations including PRIDE in Healthcare, Dedication to Representation, and SNPhA.