Dr. William Craig Fowler, MD.
Buies Creek, NC 27506
W. Craig Fowler, MD is Professor & Vice-Chair of Surgery at the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine; Clinical Associate Professor, UNC School of Medicine; and Medical Director Emeritus and Board Chair for Miracles in Sight.
Dr. Craig Fowler joined Campbell in 2015 serving as Chair of Surgery for eight years and has now transitioned to Vice Chair and Clinical Advisor for all surgery clubs and select student groups.
Dr. Fowler’s distinguished academic career of service began at Duke University Medical Center. There, he served as the Associate Medical Director for the Free Electron Laser Laboratory (aka Strategic Defense Initiative’s “Star Wars” medical laser research program sponsored by the Department of Defense) in addition to being a faculty member specializing in Cornea & External Disease and serving as Refractive Surgery Director. Notably, he began Duke’s refractive surgery program and specialized in tertiary complex anterior segment disorders of the eye for roughly a decade. He then joined the University of North Carolina’s School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology. Dr. Fowler was awarded tenure at UNC, and served full time nearly 10 years. He continues to attend and teach UNC trainees. Dr. Fowler was then afforded the honor to serve for 2 years as Chief of all Surgical Services for the Fayetteville Veteran’s Administration which oversaw 17 sites of care.
His select training background and relevant credentials include: graduating Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Virginia, 1981; Medical College of Virginia 1985; Chief Resident George Washington University Medical Center, Department of Ophthalmology 1989; Fellowship in Cornea & External Disease, Refractive Surgery, Ocular Microbiology, & Electron Microscopy, Dean McGee Eye Institute [under the renowned tutelage of Dr James Rowsey, Dr Mark Terry, Dr Harold Jensen, and Dr Robert Nordquist (1989-1991)]; Ophthalmic Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington DC (1988).
Named notable recognitions and positions include: Best Doctors in America awardee (annually from 2000-2016); several time recipient of US Top Ophthalmologists award by Consumers Research Council of America; Achievement Awardee recognition by the American Academy of Ophthalmology; R Townley Paton Awardee 2014 from the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA’s highest honor for a single corneal physician worldwide); former, National Veteran’s Administration Surgical Advisory Board member; former American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Basic Clinical Science Course Faculty; American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Eye Bank Committee; American Medical Association’s Physician Recognition Award (2009-2012);Top Doctors 2019/2020; Medical Science Award of Excellence 2011 for Transplant Tissue Preparation (Research and Advancement); plus appreciable domestic and international service awards for eye banking, technician training, and medical missions work. Since 1992 Dr. Fowler has served the Triangle Christian Medical Dental Association as its initial president and then for the past ~25+ years as Vice Chair. His wife, Amy Fowler MD also serves on TCMDA’s executive council, and is an oculoplastic ophthalmologist with Duke University, and a former Vice Chair & Residency Director for UNC’s Ophthalmology Department. Together, they value service, advising, mentoring, and for roughly 15+ years co-hosted welcome retreats for incoming medical students at both Campbell and UNC.
Go Camels!