Dr. Riley Bowers
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Dr. Bowers is an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice with CPHS. He also serves as the Residency Program Director for the PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency at Cape Fear Valley Health. He maintains a practice site at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center where he serves as a clinical specialist in adult internal medicine and heart failure, and precepts Internal Medicine I & II APPE rotations along with multiple residency rotations. Dr. Bowers completed a pharmacy practice PGY1 residency with Harnett Health and Campbell University, followed by a PGY2 residency in Internal Medicine and Academia at Duke Regional Hospital. His research interests focus on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Dr. Bowers has board certifications in pharmacotherapy and cardiology pharmacy, serves as a member of the Rho Chi Executive Council, and is an NCAP Fellow. He is the faculty advisor for the Rho Chi and ASHP student organizations. Dr. Bowers is also a graduate of AACP’s Academic Leadership Fellows Program Cohort 19.