Dr. Elizabeth L. Rambo
Suite 108
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Since returning to her home state in 1999 after teaching nine years at Biola University in Los Angeles, Dr. Rambo has taught Academic Writing, British literature survey courses, English 401 (Medieval Literature), English 409 (Chaucer), English 425 (Contemporary British/Postcolonial Literature), and English 419 (Arthurian Legends Seminar). Her major academic interests are Medieval Literature, Chaucer, Celtic Studies, Arthurian Legends, and the works of William Langland. Dr. Rambo also studies popular culture, including historical fiction and TV. Dr. Rambo received her Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Andrews Presbyterian College and her Master of Arts degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.