Jacqueline Gartner, PhD.
Room 201
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Dr. Jacqueline Burgher Gartner is an Associate Professor at the Campbell University School of Engineering.
Dr. Gartner completed her PhD in chemical engineering from Washington State University (WSU) in May of 2017. Her doctoral dissertation was “Gasification Education: The Development of a Miniaturized Gasification System for Sustainable Biofuels Production.”
At WSU, Dr. Gartner was an NSF Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Fellow, and a Teaching Fellow for the Voiland School of Engineering where she received the Graduate and Professional Student Association Award of Excellence for her teaching in Spring 2015. She was a visiting scholar to Michigan Technological University in the summer of 2014 where she worked in an academic-policy integrated setting.
As part of her PhD research, Dr. Gartner helped commercialize miniaturized hands-on units for classroom use, and was the primary editor on the undergraduate text that accompanies the fluid mechanics and heat transfer units. She has ten conference and journal publications, including articles in the International Journal of Engineering Education and the Journal of STEM Education.
Before enrollment at WSU, Dr. Gartner received an MBA at Anderson University while working at the utility for the city of Indianapolis in the water treatment lab. She has degrees in both Chemistry and Math-Economics also from Anderson University and as an undergraduate, she did an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) at the University of Oregon and interned at Dow AgroSciences.