Jon Powell
Raleigh, NC 27603
Attorney Jon Powell serves as the director of the Restorative Justice Clinic. The program receives referrals from the juvenile justice system, juvenile court, Wake County Schools and the Capital Area Teen Court program.
The goals of the project are to:
- Give juveniles the opportunity to take responsibility for and become accountable for their actions.
- Give victims the opportunity to learn about and be intimately involved in the outcome of their case.
- Give all parties the opportunity to create an agreement that will address and resolve the harm caused by criminal activity.
- Involve law students in the process of victim/offender mediation as active mediators.
Throughout this mediation process, law students are involved as active co-mediators with trained law school faculty. This clinical experience provides valuable experience to law students in learning ways to approach and resolve problems which occur from criminal activity.
Part of the mission of the Restorative Justice Clinic is to help spread the word of Restorative Justice throughout the state of North Carolina and to assist others in the state in starting Restorative Justice programming. Jon has spoken on many occasions to various groups on the topic of Restorative Justice and has assisted organizations in starting mediation programs based on the Campbell model. Campbell Law School was privileged to host the third National Conference on Restorative Justice in June of 2011 and Powell was the lead planner.
Prior to working with the project, Jon practiced law in Wake and Harnett counties. Jon’s primary focus was in criminal defense with an emphasis on juvenile law. Mr. Powell received his law degree from Campbell University in 1998. Prior to attending law school, Jon worked for Carolina Power and Light Company, during which time he received his B.A. in Communication from North Carolina State University. He is married and has three children.