Dr. Mali Gupta
Room 107-D
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Mali Ram Gupta, PhD, is an Associate Professor Pharmaceutical Sciences and Director of the Pharmaceutical Education & Research Center (PERC), Buies Creek, NC.
As an associate professor, Dr. Gupta teaches Industrial Pharmacy, Advanced Topics in Industrial Pharmacy laboratories, New Drug Development & Pharmaceutical Regulations, Product & Process Validations, Practical Compounding, P-4 Elective Rotation: Manufacturing, Analytical, CGMP, Compounding, Teaching Rotation, and Good Regulatory Practices at BS, MS, and PharmD levels.
Dr. Gupta’s research focus is on the development of novel dosage forms (e.g.; encapsulation of nano drugs, controlled release tablets, ODTs, tablets with enhanced dissolution, floating and controlled release capsules, buccal tablets, orally dissolving film strips, teeth whitening strips, transdermal patches, and transungual drug delivery), generic drugs (emulsions, oral liquids, tables, nasal sprays, liniments, ophthalmic solution, etc.), and applied pharmaceutical research (various techniques to produce nano drug particles, taste masking nano precipitation techniques, dissolution profiles from various encapsulated materials, etc.).
Dr. Gupta is a co-author of a pharmaceutical sciences textbook. Al-Achi A, Gupta MR, Stagner WC. (2013) Integrated Pharmaceutics: Applied Preformulation, Product Design, and Regulatory Science. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2013.
As a director of the Pharmaceutical Education & Research Center (PERC), Dr. Gupta is responsible for managing all facets of this center. In addition to being an extension of the Department’s education and research mission, the Center offers a wide variety of services to bio-pharma industry, compounding pharmacies, government agencies, and other universities, in the areas of analytical research, pharmaceutical analysis, product development, small-scale manufacturing of pre-clinical products, and Hands-On-Training (workshops).
Dr. Gupta’s previous experience includes over thirty years of management responsibilities in the areas of quality, GMP compliance, and manufacturing operations of small to large cosmetic, medical device, and pharmaceutical companies.
He earned his PhD (1973) and MS (1971) in Industrial Pharmacy from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston, MA and BS in Pharmacy (1969) from Gujarat University, India.