Dr. Michael Babuin
Michael L. Babuin, PhD, P.G.; is active as an environmental professional since 1985. His career started out working for the NC Geological Survey following receipt of his B.S. degree in Geology from Campbell in 1980. In the fall of 1980 he pursued post-baccalaureate studies in geological engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City, South Dakota for two years prior to pursuing full-time graduate studies in geophysical sciences leading towards a M.S. degree at Old Dominion University (ODU) in Norfolk, Virginia.
His masters thesis related to fluvial depositional processes of a tropical river in Colombia, South America (where he lived and worked for many months in 1983).
Following this, Mike worked for the geotechnical unit of the NCDOT, then subsequently accepted another position as a hydrogeologist in 1986 with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. In 1989 he left public service and went into the private sector as an environmental consultant with several Fortune 500 firms – first as a Project Manger then as a Department Head and Marketing Director for business in the SE USA.
After 11-years as a private sector consultant, he returned to public service with the Town of Cary where he was employed as the Town’s Environmental Specialist. Around this time, Mike also completed academic efforts started a year and a half earlier leading towards the PhD degree in environmental engineering from KWU. Mike’s dissertation pertained to the design of a stream restoration for a coastal river in eastern NC. He worked at this job until June 2014 then left to direct a start up company in 2014. Following firm stabilization, Dr. Babuin returned to the State and accepted a senior position in the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section.
Mike has served as an expert witness, and specializes in ground water hydrology and surface water geomorphology.
He is an author of dozens of professional papers and reports focused on these topics.
Dr. Babuin has worked continuously as an adjunct professor for Campbell since 1988 at the Raleigh campus, Pope Air Force Base campus, and Ft. Liberty Campus.