Dr. Michael Phillips
Room 153
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Dr. Michael Phillips is the Athletic Band Director/Assistant Professor of Music at Campbell University. He has taught instrumental music from beginning band to university instruction. His performance experience spans from university campuses across the country, Carnegie Hall, the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, D1 SEC-SUNBELT-NAIA performances, Euro-Disney, the World Music Games in the Netherlands, and more.
A native of upstate New York, Phillips served on the executive board of the NY State Band Directors Association as 2nd VP of membership, 1st VP overseeing the annual state symposium and clinics and was President-Elect. Dr. Phillips has directed and performed in several musical pit orchestras, managed a family recreation musical group in Central New York, and has been a guest conductor of multiple honor wind band and jazz ensembles. Dr. Phillips’ groups are credited with a history of superior ratings in wind band, jazz ensemble, and multiple awards in marching band. He served on the staff of the International Bands of America Tour in Europe, managed the University of Florida Wind Symphony’s performance to Carnegie Hall, and was on the UF marching band instructional staff that performed at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, England.
Phillips’ recent research achievements and activities include: presenting at the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) in 2022, publishing in the KMEA state journal, presenting at the National Jazz Education Network conference in Louisville, KY in 2016; conducting at the 2013 & 2015 Vandoren Clarinet Festival; in 2016 he was the guest conductor/ clinician for the Macon Youth Symphony; and he is active with public school clinics and adjudications. In 2019 Phillips was voted University Teacher of the Year by KMEA D9 and is still an active since 2019 as a national College Music Society-National Association of Music Merchants Fellow. In 2019-2020 Phillips was an honor band director for three high school honor band programs in KY, KMEA D9 Jazz Chair, KMEA D9 University Chair, and VP of the Country Music Highway Arts Association. He actively arranges for contemporary ensembles, wind band, and marching band and is currently working on publications and curriculum in the areas of ‘The Role and Value of Transcriptions in Music Performance Education’ and ‘Alternative Careers in The Business of Music’.
Michael Phillips received his Bachelor’s degree from the Crane School of Music at the State University of New York at Potsdam, Master’s degree from the University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana, and his Ph.D. from the University of Florida. His degree areas include Music Education, Music Business, and Instrumental Conducting. He has studied conducting with David Waybright, Brad Ethington, Thomas Wisnewski (orch), James Keene, Timothy Topolewski, and Calvin Gage (choir).
Phillips has professional affiliations with Kentucky, Alabama, Florida, New York, Georgia, and North Carolina Music Educators Associations and their respectful Band Director Associations, National Association for Music Education, College Music Society-NAMM, College Band Directors National Association, World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles, Jazz Education Network, College Music Society, NAMM, as well as a member of Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity.