Dr. Michelle Green
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Dr. Green serves as Assistant Program Director in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. She is an APTA certified specialist in neurologic physical therapy. Her clinical experience includes over 25 years of work within acute, inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient and home settings helping persons with a variety of neurologic, medical and surgical conditions. Areas of teaching expertise include motor control and motor learning, neurologic assessment, neurologic interventions, therapeutic exercise and wheelchair seating and positioning.
Dr. Green has instructed over 300 post-professional education courses and has been an invited speaker for many National and Regional conferences presenting on topics such as stroke rehab, lateropulsion, clinical reasoning through application of the ICF Model, integration of motor learning strategies into treatment and the role of the trunk in function. Dr. Green’s research interests include the impact of intervention on function, teaching and learning methods, and the role of trunk in movement.