Dr. Peter Ahiawodzi
Room 216E
Lillington, NC 27546
Dr. Ahiawodzi’s research has generally focused on the epidemiology of chronic diseases particularly diabetes and hypertension. He has been a member of the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) Diabetes Working Group since he was a doctoral student. As such, his doctoral thesis used CHS data to investigate metabolic determinants of aging. He also has substantial experience working with large and complex datasets like the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Dr. Ahiawodzi has great experience working with minority and marginalized communities to reduce health disparities. He is a member of International Health Initiatives (IHI), a non-profit organization with dedication to providing service to underserved communities in Ghana, Uganda, Haiti, Sierra Leone, Nepal, Kenya, Rwanda, Zambia, and India to address health issues such as malaria, tetanus, and HIV, and chronic diseases were hypertension, diabetes, breast cancer and stroke. His passion for service in vulnerable populations has greatly increased through this organization. He has comprehensive knowledge in research design and management and proficient in performing basic statistical tests such as t-test, ANOVA, chi-square test, and advanced tests including linear and logistic regression, survival analysis, propensity score analysis, and non-parametric statistical tests using SPSS and SAS.