Dr. Ran Whitley
Professor of Music
Fine Arts, Music
College of Arts & Sciences
Room 249
Office Location:
Taylor Bott Rogers Fine Arts Center
Room 249
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Mailing Address:
PO Box 70Buies Creek, NC 27506
(910) 893-1496
(910) 893-1515
(work fax)
Ran Whitley is the Professor of Music Education and Associate Professor of Church Music at Campbell University. He instructs courses in music education and music theory for the College of Arts and Sciences, and church music ministry for the Divinity School.
Dr. Whitley’s educational background includes a BM degree from Appalachian State University, MDiv and DMin in Music Ministry from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, PhD in Music Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and Master Certification in Orff Methodology from the University of Memphis.
Dr. Whitley is an ordained Baptist minister and actively serves in music ministry at Macedonia Baptist Church, Cary, NC.