Richard T. Bowser
Raleigh, NC 27603
LRichard T. Bowser serves as an adjunct faculty member for the School of Business and as a Professor of Law for the University’s law school. Bowser is a graduate of Campbell Law School, Westminster Theological Seminary and Grove City College.
He has taught and written upon a wide range of topics including constitutional law, legal philosophy, wills and trusts, and estate planning. He is a co-author of the treatise, Wiggins’ Wills and Administration of Estates in North Carolina.
On many occasions, Bowser has been recognized as an outstanding and demanding member of the faculty. Students have voted him “Professor of the Year” three times, he has received the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence twice, and in September of 2009, his students honored his service to them and to the school by naming the law school’s client counseling competition after him.