Robert Montgomery
Raleigh, NC 27603
Robert Montgomery is a Professor of Legal Research & Writing at Campbell Law, having previously served as an adjunct faculty member since 2010.
Prior to joining the full-time faculty, Montgomery clerked for Chief Judge R.A. Hedrick of the North Carolina Court of Appeals and later served as a Staff Attorney and Assistant Director of Staff Counsel for that Court. In 1999, he joined the North Carolina Department of Justice as an Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Appellate Section. He later became a Special Deputy Attorney General and served as the head of the Criminal Appellate Section. In 2014, he became a Senior Deputy Attorney General and in that role served as the head of the Criminal Division.
During his career, Montgomery primarily represented the State in criminal appeals. In addition to arguing numerous cases in the North Carolina appellate courts, he argued Heien v. North Carolina and Packingham v. North Carolina in the United States Supreme Court. In his role as head of the Criminal Division at the North Carolina Department of Justice, he supervised special prosecutors, appellate attorneys, capital litigation attorneys, and attorneys representing the prison system.
A 1987 graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Law, Montgomery also completed his undergraduate education at UNC-Chapel Hill, earning his A.B. in Journalism and Political Science.
In addition to teaching at Campbell Law, Montgomery was an adjunct instructor at the UNC School of Law from 1992 to 2006.