Sarah M. Steele
Room 232
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Sarah Steele was named Dean of the Library in July 2021. Sarah joined Campbell in 2008 as the Curriculum Materials/Media Librarian serving the School of Education. In 2011, she became Head of Research and Instruction Services where she continued to serve as an instructional librarian and advocate for student success, later assuming the role of Associate Dean. In 2014, she was awarded the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. While Head of Research & Instruction Services, she helped launch the campus-wide Wiggins Memorial Library Academic Symposium, an annual event showcasing faculty-nominated student research and creative works.
Sarah earned a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a Master of Library Science (School Library) from East Carolina University, and a Master of Library Science (Academic Library) at North Carolina Central University. In 2020, she earned a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from Campbell University. With that degree, she has served as a guest design editor for WMU’s Girls in Action and International Missions Study children’s curricula.
Sarah enjoys community gardening, reading (of course), walking, and service in her local church.