Dr. H. Tiago Jones
Room 225
Buies Creek, NC 27506
Dr. Tiago Jones, Associate Professor of Spanish and Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages – MA & PhD UNC-CH. Dr. Jones also has certificates in ESL from the University of Cambridge, England and in Hispanic Studies from UNC-W. He taught 3 years at Chowan and 4 at the University of Puerto Rico before coming to Campbell 20 years ago. Dr. Jones has been involved in directing the Costa Rica program and has been the Catholic student advisor. He and his wife and seven children are closely involved with their Catholic church. Dr. Jones finished a book length translation entitled, Religious Persecution in Mexico. His most recent publications include an article on the conservative leader of Portugal, Antonio Salazar; a book length translation Activism in the Americas; and book publications of Love and Death: Lyrical Musings in English and Portuguese, and House of the Scorpions.