Varina Haney
Mrs. Haney spent the first half of her career training soldiers in Communications Electronics at Fort Gordon, GA, and in Germany and Korea. She moved into the college system as a Business & Industry trainer in 1993. Mrs. Haney has several highly recognized training certifications. She has conducted training for businesses all over the US, in all areas of “soft skills”, including topics such as Communication, Leadership, Supervisory Skills, Team Management, HR, and many others. After completing her MBA, Mrs. Haney began teaching Academic classes in Business, Management and Marketing, as well as running her own training business, working with corporations, government agencies, colleges and government contractors. While moving around with her military spouse, Mrs. Haney has taught at almost a dozen different colleges through the years, and continues to conduct training through her personal business. Her focus is on bringing “real world” into her academic classes in order to prepare her students for success. Mrs. Haney teaches traditional, blended, and fully online classes, and considers the opportunity to teach a wonderful blessing from the Lord.